A Pakistani submarine lost under mysterious circumstances during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 is one of the great stories of naval history, one that evokes awe and mystery. It became known as the Ghazi Attack, and it has fascinated historians, naval enthusiasts, and movie buffs for decades. Discover everything you need to know about PNS Ghazi by delving into the depths of this captivating saga.


The Birth of PNS Ghazi

Commissioned in 1967 as the USS Diablo, a Tench-class submarine, PNS Ghazi was leased to Pakistan by the United States in 1964. Renamed as PNS Ghazi, it underwent modifications to suit Pakistan’s naval requirements, primarily focusing on anti-ship and anti-submarine warfare capabilities.


The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971

Ghazi Attack

During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, Bangladesh was liberated. This is the backdrop of Ghazi’s story. In an effort to disrupt Indian naval operations in the Bay of Bengal amid increasing tension between India and Pakistan, PNS Ghazi was tasked with targeting the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant.


The Battle of Vizag

INS Vikrant was allegedly stationed near Visakhapatnam (Vizag) where PNS Ghazi entered waters. Ghazi’s communications were intercepted by the Indian intelligence, which enabled them to send INS Rajput, a destroyer, as a decoy to tempt Ghazi into shallow waters.


The Mysterious Disappearance

INS Rajput unexpectedly charged Ghazi with depth charges as it closed in on what it assumed was INS Vikrant on December 3, 1971. There was speculation and mystery surrounding the disappearance of PNS Ghazi in the ensuing chaos.


Theories Surrounding Ghazi’s Fate

Many theories abound regarding the fate of PNS Ghazi. There is speculation that it was sunk by its own mines, while others believe it was sunk by INS Rajput. The exact circumstances of Ghazi’s death, however, remain a matter of speculation and debate without concrete evidence.


Legacy and Cultural Impact

While PNS Ghazi had a short and short-lived career, it left a lasting legacy immortalized in books, documentaries, and the 2017 Bollywood movie, and new series “The Ghazi Attack.” The mysterious tale of Ghazi continues to fascinate generations, symbolizing the courage and sacrifice of naval personnel on both sides.



PNS Ghazi Attack is an extraordinary story of bravery, intrigue, and mystery that transcends the domain of naval warfare. In spite of the mystery surrounding its demise, the legacy of Ghazi continues to serve as a reminder of the brutality of war and the strength of the human spirit when adversity strikes. During our journey through this captivating tale, we are reminded of the indelible marks left by PNS Ghazi in history.

Our journey through naval history would not be complete without paying homage to the valiant souls who manned the PNS Ghazi, forever immortalized in maritime lore.



What was the primary objective of PNS Ghazi during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971?

In the Bay of Bengal, the PNS Ghazi Attack was tasked with disrupting Indian naval operations, particularly those involving the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant.

How did PNS Ghazi meet its end?

There is some disagreement as to the exact circumstances surrounding Ghazi’s death. In some theories, it may have been sunk by its own mines, but in others, it may have been sunk by the Indian Naval Ship Rajput.

What is the legacy of PNS Ghazi Attack?

Although it only served for a short time, PNS Ghazi’s legacy endures, immortalized in a variety of forms of media. It symbolises the courage and sacrifices of naval personnel during times of conflict.

How has PNS Ghazi been depicted in popular culture?

PNS Ghazi’s story has been depicted in books, documentaries, and the 2017 Bollywood movie, and new series “The Ghazi Attack,” which brought the saga to a wider audience.