Today, let’s delve into the life of Premanand Ji Maharaj, also known as Maharaj ji of Vrindavan. Born Anirudh Kumar Pandey in a Brahmin family in Akhri village, Sarsol block, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Premanand Ji Maharaj, at the age of 60 in 2024, embodies spiritual wisdom and devotion.


Name Premanand Ji Maharaj, Maharaj Ji of Vrindavan
Full Name Anirudh Kumar Pandey
Born Not Known
Place of Birth Akhri Village, Sarsol Block, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
Age 60 years approximately in 2024
Caste Brahmin
Profession Spiritual teacher and saint
Guru’s Name Shri Hit Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj
Religion Hindu
Nationality Indian
Reason for the fame Spiritual gurus and saints
Net Worth Not Known
Current Residence  Vrindavan Ashram
Married status unmarried

Early Life

Premanand Ji Maharaj was raised in a devout Brahmin household where spirituality permeated daily life. His grandfather’s influence as a sanyasi and the pious atmosphere at home shaped his spiritual inclination from a young age.



Educated in Uttar Pradesh, Premanand Ji Maharaj began questioning the significance of materialistic knowledge early on. His journey into spirituality commenced in the ninth grade when he resolved to pursue a spiritual path, embarking on a quest for truth at the tender age of 13.



Born into a Brahmin family, Premanand Ji Maharaj’s parents, Shambhu Pandey and Ramadevi, provided a nurturing environment for his spiritual growth. His elder brother also contributed to the family’s spiritual atmosphere by reciting verses from the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita.


Spiritual Journey

Premanand Ji Maharaj’s spiritual journey unfolded when he decided to lead a spiritual life at the age of 13. Renouncing material pursuits, he embraced a life of devotion and embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries of existence. Adopting the name Anand Swaroop Brahmachari, he later embraced sannyas, spending most of his life on the banks of the Ganges, considering the river his spiritual mother.


Encounter with Vrindavan

A pivotal moment came during his meditation under a tree in Banaras when he felt drawn to the glory of Vrindavan. Following the guidance of his Guru, he journeyed to Mathura and eventually settled in Vrindavan, serving his Sadguru Dev closely for a decade.

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Contact Information

For those seeking to connect with Premanand Ji Maharaj, his ashram in Vrindavan offers a place for seekers. Additionally, his website, Vrindavan Ras Mahima, and YouTube channel provide avenues to access his teachings and discourses.


Physical Attributes

  • Age: Approximately 60 years as of 2024
  • Height: Around 6.2 feet
  • Weight: Approximately 80 kg
  • Skin Colour: Fair
  • Eye Colour: Black
  • Hair Colour: Black


Social Media Presence

While Premanand Ji Maharaj remains inactive on social media platforms, enthusiasts can find his teachings and sermons shared by others on various platforms, including his YouTube channel, which boasts over 1.4k videos and more than 1 million subscribers. Channel Link- Click Here



The life of Premanand Ji Maharaj, born Anirudh Kumar Pandey, exemplifies a profound journey of spiritual awakening and devotion. From his humble beginnings in a Brahmin family in Uttar Pradesh to his profound encounters with the spiritual realm, Maharaj ji’s life is a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. His dedication to unraveling the mysteries of existence and his unwavering commitment to serving his Sadguru Dev in Vrindavan inspire seekers on their own spiritual paths.




What teachings did Premanand Ji Maharaj emphasize?

Premanand Ji Maharaj emphasized the importance of spiritual devotion, renunciation of material desires, and the pursuit of inner truth. His teachings revolved around the significance of leading a virtuous life and serving others selflessly.


How can one visit Premanand Ji Maharaj’s ashram in Vrindavan?

Premanand Ji Maharaj’s ashram in Vrindavan welcomes seekers and devotees. Visitors can inquire about visiting hours and accommodation options by contacting the ashram directly or through their website, Vrindavan Ras Mahima.


Did Premanand Ji Maharaj have any specific practices or rituals?

Maharaj ji’s life was characterized by a deep commitment to devotional practices, meditation, and service. He often engaged in chanting mantras, meditation on the Supreme, and selfless service to his Guru and the community.


Are there any books or literature authored by Premanand Ji Maharaj?

While there may not be specific authored works attributed to Premanand Ji Maharaj, his teachings and discourses have been preserved and shared orally and through various mediums by his disciples and followers.


What is the significance of Vrindavan in Premanand Ji Maharaj’s life?

Vrindavan held profound significance for Premanand Ji Maharaj as a sacred place imbued with the divine presence of Lord Krishna. It was in Vrindavan that he experienced transformative spiritual experiences and deepened his connection to his Guru and the path of devotion.


How can one access Premanand Ji Maharaj’s teachings online?

Premanand Ji Maharaj’s discourses, sermons, and motivational videos can be found on his YouTube channel, which boasts a substantial following and a vast collection of videos. Additionally, his website, Vrindavan Ras Mahima, provides resources for seekers.


Did Premanand Ji Maharaj have any specific dietary practices or restrictions?

Maharaj ji’s life was characterized by simplicity and austerity. While specific dietary practices may not be extensively documented, his focus on spiritual devotion and renunciation suggests a lifestyle that prioritized moderation and purity in all aspects, including diet.


How did Premanand Ji Maharaj impact the lives of his followers?

Premanand Ji Maharaj’s teachings and exemplary life inspired countless individuals to embark on their own spiritual journeys with sincerity and dedication. His emphasis on love, devotion, and selfless service continues to resonate with seekers seeking inner fulfillment and spiritual growth.